You are certainly welcome to join us in the worship of the God, but are not obligated to do so; you may simply observe if you would rather. Sit wherever you feel comfortable; there is no assigned or preferential seating.
One of the members of the church will typically make some brief announcements to bring to the congregation's attention matters such as those who may be ill, or the time of Bible studies going on during the week.
We will also pray to the Lord while worshiping Him (Acts 2:41,42; Phil 4:6; 1 Thess 5:17,18). One of the men of the congregation will lead us in prayer, which we follow silently.
We engage in congregational singing without the use of instruments to worship the Lord (Eph 5:19; Col 3:16). Songbooks are provided in the racks on the back of each pew so that everyone can follow the words and tune. When the song leader announces the number of a song, you are welcome to turn there and sing with us.
You may notice that the preacher is not referred to by a title of office, but rather as a "brother", or even by his first name (Matt 23:1-12). He has no higher office than anyone else in the congregation. His lesson will be based on the word of God, and not the ideas of men (Acts 2:42; Prov 3:5; Jer 10:23). At the close of the lesson, it is our practice that the preacher will ask that anyone who wants to become a child of God to come to the front of the auditorium while the congregation stands and sings a song. Dedicating one's life in service to the Lord is a serious step and ought not be engaged in lightly (Acts 2:38; 8:36-38). The preacher may also ask those children of God who would like to repent of a sin publicly, ask for the prayers of the congregation in their behalf, or simply wish to make their desire to work and worship with the church here known, to come forward as well. Feel free to stand or sit, and to sing or not sing as you choose; you will not be singled out in any way.
On Sunday, we will take part in the Lord's supper. During this period, plates with unleavened bread will be passed throughout the congregation, from which each participant will break off a small piece of the bread and eat it. Next, trays with small cups of grape juice will be passed, and each participant will drink the contents of one of the cups. This is done in memory of Jesus' death on our behalf, just as he commanded his disciples to do (Luke 22:19-23; 1 Cor 11:23-26). Don't feel as if you are an intruder during this solemn moment; but, if you choose not to participate, simply pass the tray to the next person.
Likewise, on Sunday, the members of the congregation will give of their means for the support of the work this local church does (1 Cor 16:1,2; 2 Cor 9:6-15); however, those visiting are not obligated to contribute anything. Please don't hesitate to pass the plate to the next person.
You will find that many folk stick around and talk. Certainly, several people will want to introduce themselves if they haven't already met you. If you have to leave, we understand; but, consider yourself welcome to join in conversations as long as you want. If you have questions about teachings, practices, or anything you have noticed during the worship of God here, please don't hesitate to ask one of the members of the congregation.
The folks you will meet here are pretty much like people anywhere else--we are a diverse group, coming from different backgrounds, with different interests; we are at different stages of spiritual growth and knowledge. One thing we have in common, though, is a desire to worship the Lord God, and follow the teachings given us in the holy scriptures. We sincerely want you to know that you will be welcome to join us in serving the Lord, and in journeying to meet Him in Heaven.